​Rolling Loud brings @theslumpgod and @kylerichh_ together for "Spin", which is available on all digital platforms here: https://music.empi.re/spinloud Produced by: Max Lord, Barney Biggleton, Car!ton Recording engineer: Max Lord + Angel “mixedbyYP” Moreno Mixing engineer: Max Lord Curated by Tariq Cherif and Matt Zingler Subscribe to the channel http://youtube.com/@RollingLoud Get Rolling Loud info and tickets: http://RollingLoud.com Get the latest RL merch: http://shoprollingloud.com Connect with Rolling Loud http://twitter.com/RollingLoud http://Instagram.com/RollingLoud http://facebook.com/RollingLoudFest http://tiktok.com/@rollingloud https://twitch.tv/rollingloud #rollingloud #rollingloudcalifornia
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